A Houseables' Fathers Day
Happy June everyone!
Time sure is flying, to us, even though we’re back in the office (YAY!) it still feels like March! Even though here in sunny SoCal it’s definitely starting to heat up bit by bit. That being said though, this is our special post to let you know that Father’s Day is next weekend. You read that right!

Do you have your gift already picked out and perfectly wrapped? Or are you one amongst the many (including myself) who have NO idea what to get their father to show the appreciation we have for them…. It’s okay to be a little behind, that’s why we wrote this whole thing! But, if you’re a prepper and already looking to plan next year’s Father’s Day gift, this is perfect for you too!
On we go!
For the Dad who loves to garden but hates to use pesticides….

The Weed Torch
This may seem a bit odd, or maybe too tool-like, but we can attest that this thing has made plenty of lives much easier! And it works as more than an environment-friendly pesticide! Use this to start (safe & legal) campfires and bbq pits at a safe distance!
For the Father-in-law who craves a picnic, but needs an easier clean-up....

This thing is amazing, not only is it better than a simple fluttery piece of plastic. This set includes bench covers, it's water and stain proof, and tear resistant! Therefore- this thing is reusable for camping and picnics galore!
For the man in your life who loves a fancy glass, and some whisky…

For the soon-to-be grandpa who hosts the best backyard BBQ, you’ve ever had…

Not only is this amazing piece waterproof, but it's adjustable for size, comfortable, and resistant to the toughest of jobs (not just BBQ work)!
Didn’t see the perfect item? That’s okay! We have a whole catalog available on Amazon, click here to check it out and find something to make his life a little bit easier!